Disruptions may occur in the purchase of Kela-subsidised travel tickets on Saturday 25 January 2025 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I use the Waltti web shop?

The Waltti web shop is an online store shared by all Waltti cities’ public transport services. You can use the web shop to load products onto your travel card, and purchase a personal travel card.

Miten ostan koulumatkatuetun lipun?

Kelan myöntämää koulumatkatukea haetaan verkkohakemuksella OmaKelassa.

Näin ostat koulumatkatukilipun Waltti-kaupasta.

Do I need to register on the Waltti web shop?

You can load products onto your travel card by registering and creating a user account on the web shop, but you do not need to register to use the web shop.

Registering will allow you to use all features of the Waltti web shop, as well as any personal benefits.

If you wish to register and create a user account, you can do so via the registration link on the front page.

Waltti mobile tickets

Lipun siirtäminen uuteen puhelimeen

Waltti Mobiilissa kausilipun ja vuorokausilipun voi siirtää uuteen puhelimeen, jos puhelin rikkoontuu tai hajoaa. Kertalippu ei ole siirrettävissä.

Lipun siirto toimii siten, että käyttäjä kirjautuu uudessa puhelimessa Waltti Mobiili sovellukseen samalla käyttäjätunnuksella kuin vanhassakin puhelimessa. Sovellus ehdottaa tällöin automaattisesti lipun siirtoa.

Travel Card

Will registering benefit me?

When you register, you will create a user account where you can see all of your personal information and all of the Waltti services available to you. You can use the account to connect cards to your profile, for example. Once a card is connected to a user account, the card can be loaded directly and there is no need to separately add it. You can also view previous purchases using your account. When logged in, you can also add or remove cards from your account and change your e-mail address or password.

What cards can I load on the web shop?

You can load all personal or multi-user Waltti travel cards on the web shop.

Can I order a new travel card on the web shop?

You can order a personal travel card for yourself or a child under 17 living in the same household.

How long does it take for the card to be delivered?

The travel card will usually arrive at the address you provided within 7-14 days.

How can I start to use a travel card that I bought on the web shop?

If you loaded a value or season ticket onto the travel card when you bought it, the card will be ready to use as soon as it arrives.

Can I buy a multi-user travel card from the web shop?

Only personal travel cards can be purchased from the web shop.

Can I order a travel card for my underage child from the web shop?

You can order a personal travel card for yourself or a child under 17 living in the same household.

I’ve lost my travel card. Can I cancel the card on the web shop and order another one?

If you lose your personal Waltti travel card, contact the service point in your area to cancel the card and transfer any unused journeys to a new card.


What payment methods can I use on the web shop?

You can choose from the payment methods accepted by your public transport region (online banking, bank card, MobilePay, or invoice).